2015年10月30日 星期五

Scrum 課程綱要 2015.10.30

Scrum 課程綱要 2015.10.30

Burndown Charts
    sprint burndown 每日更新
        Estimated remaining time、Tracking Done

Ceremonies(儀式) - 五個
            Scrum 會把每個 progress 拆成 很多的 sprints,以2-4周為單位
            Go back to Sprint planning -- any work performed is 'waste'
        .Sprint Planning Metting:
                Define The Sprint Goal 讓大家了解這個 sprint 要做什麼
                Select the Product Backlog the team can commit to completing
                Decide how to achieve the Sprint Goal
                Create the Sprint Backlog
                Estimate Sprint Backlog Items
                No need everyone ((不需要每個人都參加))
                May call help
                Less than 2 hours
        .Daily Scrum (重點不在解決問題,而在交流分享) -> sprint backlog
                Not for problem solving
                    .Whole world is invited ((誰都可以來))
                    .只有 Team member 可以說話
                Help avoid other unnecessary meetings
                Not a status report to the Scrum Master
                    Broadcast Communication
            3 Questions
                What did I get done yesterday?
                Will done today?
                Any impediments slowing my progress? <最重要>
        .Sprint Review
            Team 展現工作成果
            一般使用 live demo來呈現,不傾向文件
                2-hour prep time rule
                No slides
            All stakeholders and interested parties are invited((利益成員 跟 有興趣的夥伴都可以參加))
        .Sprint Retrospective(回顧)
            Continuous improvement
            After every sprint
            Whole team participate ((所有 Team 的成員都要參加))
            Other interested parties are welcome ((but only team speaks))
            Many possible ways to do a retrospective
            We often use:
                What did we do well during this Sprint?
                    What did we do well during this Sprint?(正向讚美!)
                    What can we do even better next Sprint?



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